Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips
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So, you have decided to homeschool. Unless you have been around the homeschooling block a few times or are surrounded by homeschooling friends, you may be wondering, now what? Or how does homeschooling work? There…
The big day is right around the corner. And for a homeschool graduation, that day has even more significant meaning than for a typical high school graduate. Why? Because you cannot take that walk and…
Imagine this scene: you’re walking with your child, hand-in-hand, when you hear a loud noise or wailing. Instantly you both turn toward the sound to find a child with autism screaming or raging, struggling with…
Earth day is right around the corner, and with it a chance to celebrate and explore God’s creation in new and exciting ways. But, earth day activities can get boring and stale as the years…
Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder is a gift, but can be very challenging and isolating. During Autism Awareness Month, we want to bring attention to one particularly difficult area, motivation. Encouraging any student…
A lot can happen in 3 days. There’s never been a more important event in the history of mankind than the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice enables us to have a deep, eternal…
“Mom! I need a break!” As homeschooling parents we may hear this a thousand times a day from our students and may be tempted to think they’re just trying to get out of spelling or…
Training, practice and determination create champions. And if you’re a student-athlete, you’re very familiar with this formula. You’ve dreamed of stepping onto the podium just like your role models. No doubt you are also accustomed…
Walk around any homeschool convention and you’ll hear a lot of opinions about curriculum, strategies, and options. But there’s one topic that is often the most controversial and makes many seasoned homeschooling parents run for…
When you’re the parent of a champion athlete there’s one thing you’re often short on, time. And that’s why you may have never even considered homeschooling your elite athlete or gymnast, because who has time…
When you look back on your life, maybe 10 or 15 years ago, it’s surprising to see how much you have changed over time. Your experiences, your friends and your family have all shaped you…
Does my child have ADHD? We’ve all seen the kid. He’s jumping around his desk or getting up to sharpen his pencil six times during one class. Depending on the teacher and the class, this…
Homeschooling is a grand adventure, giving you the flexibility to build lasting memories with each of your children. And that adventure always starts with the question, “How do I find the best curriculum for my…