Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

How to Plan the Perfect High School Graduation

by Abby Parnell | Apr 27, 2018 | 2 min read

When all of the schoolwork is completed, the last test has been taken, and your homeschooled teen is ready to pursue the next phase of his or her life — it’s time to graduate! While some people believe graduation ceremonies are an artificial milestone, they also signify a rite of passage. They signify both an end to teenhood and the beginnings of adulthood. In addition to marking the transition to another phase of life, they also recognize the achievements and hard work that helped the student reach that point.

Your teen’s homeschool education has been such a unique and personalized experience that their high school graduation should be tailored to them!
Here are three things to consider when planning the perfect homeschool graduation ceremony for your teen.

Make it a bonding experience. Putting together a high school graduation celebration together is a wonderful bonding experience for you, your teen, and your family. Your teen should definitely have a say in commencement, but this special occasion is a great time for the whole family to pitch in. Have Dad go pick up the balloons. Your teen can plan a menu for the party. With everyone involved, the celebration will be more special because your family bonded over your teen’s achievements.

Decide the type of ceremony. There are plenty of options available when it comes to planning a graduation celebration. Homeschool graduation ceremonies can be formal or casual, large or small. Does your teen want a private ceremony or a public one with other homeschooled teens? Many homeschool groups and co-ops offer local, regional, and state graduation ceremonies in which your teen can participate. There’s also the option of having a “friends-and-family”-type ceremony or just going out to dinner. Ultimately, high school graduation can be anything your teen chooses!

Plan ahead. If you and your teen are planning a formal high school graduation, there are some ideas to consider. Will you rent a banquet hall? Send out email or formal cards as invitations? Where is a location that will accommodate all of the guests your teen wants to invite? Professional or home video? Who will speak at the ceremony? Friends, tutors, and family members can all share words of encouragement! There is a lot of planning for a formal high school graduation, so keep these ideas in mind when it comes to the big day!

Commemorate this special day! Remember, your teen has enjoyed a very singular and unique educational experience. Throwing him or her into a group of three hundred strangers at the local high school may sound like a fun idea, but your teen might want something all their own! Instead, make their ceremony as special and memorable as their education has been.

Is your high schooler a Bridgeway student?  Every year, Bridgeway celebrates our graduates by having a ceremony. This generally includes walking with the class, diplomas, photos, and a reception filled with food and fellowship! To find out more about this, contact your advisor.

Abby Parnell
Abby graduated from Bridgeway in 2014 and was one of the first students to participate in our dual enrollment program through DeSales University. She is currently studying to be a physician's assistant at Valparaiso University. Her hobbies include playing instruments, reading, and physical fitness.
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