Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

5 High School Homeschool Field Trips for the Summer

by Abby Parnell | May 29, 2018 | 3 min read

Homeschooling gives teenagers freedoms not otherwise found in a traditional school system — but sometimes the walls feel like they are closing in. That feeling makes you feel a bit bonkers, right? Remember, folks, the number one reason that homeschooling rocks is FLEXIBILITY!

The Best High School Field Trips

Sometimes, getting out of the house for a day on a homeschool field trip gives you a little inspiration or a spark of enthusiasm. Think about what interests you — what would get you out of the house. Go on homeschool field trips and discover something new! We have five homeschool field trip ideas for the sunny summer months.

  1. Take a historical / living history tour Reading about history in books can be a bit ho-hum, but experiencing a re-enactment where everyone is in period costume can bring history vividly to life. You can go on a lot of homeschool field trips with history! For example, if you’re in Pennsylvania and you’re studying the Civil War, travel to Gettysburg. Connecting the textbook to real life arises from seeing the battlefield firsthand. This homeschool field trip is a great way to make history come alive!
  2. Attend a murder-mystery theater or an escape room Put your detective skills to work, all the while being entertained to the nth degree. Make sure to get as many pre-show or escape room details as possible ahead of time, and take paper and pencil to jot down notes. Write down clues you figure out, the small details that spark a hunch, and the logical progression that your mind undergoes during the course of the thrilling investigation. You can compare thoughts later and determine how Sherlock-minded you really are. An escape room or murder-mystery theater sharpens your critical thinking skills, stretches your imagination, and allows you to be creative. These are great life skills for the future!
  3. Volunteer-related field trips A community service “field trip” can be a day or two of both learning and giving. Look for an opportunity that really suits your field of interest, or even a career path that you have been kicking around. These give you a chance to serve and learn at the same time. For instance, if you are an animal enthusiast, volunteer at a vet clinic or animal shelter. This homeschool field trip is a perfect way to rack up community service hours while making a difference!
  4. Student-planned park trip It’s summer! What better way to spend it than learning outside in creation? With the Internet at your fingertips, downloading trail maps and information about local flora and fauna is easier than ever. You can plan the whole trip from top to bottom and visit the park of your choice. Start a nature journal about the things you “might” encounter, then compare it in the end to the things you “do” encounter. A nature journal is a great way to understand more about the world around you using drawings, the senses, and research. Don’t forget to pack a lunch!
  5. Visit a college or university You can never start looking at colleges too early! Whether you’re a freshman or an incoming senior, a university visit is a great way to prepare yourself for the next phase of your life. It’s even better when you stay overnight! You really get the feel and flavor of college life and see the bustle of students in action. Research the history of the university, and be sure to focus on the colleges or areas of your own interest. Be sure to include any sports and extracurricular activities that inspire you as well. This can be a great way to hype yourself up for the upcoming school year. This homeschool field trip is fun and educational — you’ll learn about what you want to do in the future and find new interests as well! Check out this blog post about how you can prepare for college right now.

Bottom line is, homeschool field trips can be way more fun than their traditional school counterparts. No stuffy and noisy bus rides, no cafeteria-bagged lunches, no fighting classmates or high drama of any kind. Best of all, YOU get to plan it — in an area that really interests you — so put your thinking cap on and figure out a way to enjoy the summer while out and about in your world!

Abby Parnell
Abby graduated from Bridgeway in 2014 and was one of the first students to participate in our dual enrollment program through DeSales University. She is currently studying to be a physician's assistant at Valparaiso University. Her hobbies include playing instruments, reading, and physical fitness.
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