Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Celebrating Your Homeschool Graduation

by Jessica Parnell | Apr 22, 2016 | 3 min read

The big day is right around the corner. And for a homeschool graduation, that day has even more significant meaning than for a typical high school graduate. Why? Because you cannot take that walk and receive your diploma without realizing two important things:

  1. You are an independent scholar, and that is a huge accomplishment! You have been responsible for keeping yourself organized, managing your due dates, become self-motivated and dedicated to getting things done.

During your high school years you have grown physically, mentally and spiritually into an exceptional young adult ready to take on the next challenge. You have earned the right to receive your homeschool diploma proudly. It’s your moment! Celebrate and cherish it!

As you look to the future, know that it will have roadblocks, struggles, disappointments and rejections. But, it will also be filled with unbelievable moments of joy, accomplishments, surprises, challenges that will make you stronger and better, opportunities to demonstrate character and affect the lives of the people around you, and choices that will require the advice of your parents (even though you are now an adult).

Live every moment to the fullest.

Use the principles of wisdom you have gained through homeschooling and apply them to the choices you will make in the future. And whether you are heading off to college, taking a gap year or going straight into the work-force, always remember that learning is for life. Keep learning, keep growing, and know that the person you are now will affect who you will become over the next four years because you are not yet the person you will become. Every choice and every thought has the power to take you towards your God-given potential or lead you away from it. Choose wisely and apply the principles of Philippians 4:8 to your life in every situation and in every challenge. When you do, you WILL live a joy-filled life.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Phil 4:8)

  1. You, unlike school graduates, cannot accept this accomplishment without a huge thank-you to your parents who have dedicated so much of their lives to get you here!

They have sacrificed the freedom of school days where they can at least spend 8am-3pm thinking about things other than your academics, your school day activities, your struggles and your successes.
They have pushed you to explore subjects you may have avoided, they have rolled up their sleeves when needed, and worked with you to figure out those difficult concepts. They have a personal stake in the game both with your success and failures.

They have been there every step of the way, and I guarantee they are extremely proud of you!
But their role doesn’t end here. They will be there for the challenges that await you and are the best resource to turn to when you need advice, guidance, or just some encouragement.

This is an exciting time, but it’s also a pretty scary one. The future can be uncertain. The best way to overcome this is to embrace that uncertainty and have the confidence to go for it anyway by taking advantage of every opportunity.

Whether your next step is college, trade school, the workforce or something else, your job is to go forward on the path that makes sense for you. It is time to put aside the comparison game and stop looking to your peers to decide your next steps. Then, be flexible. What you believe is the perfect opportunity today might not be the right choice tomorrow.

Times will be tough but you have already overcome significant obstacles—you can do it again! Put away the excuses, lean on your parents, seek the Lord and His wisdom and know that you have been created for a special purpose! Go after it and get ready to be amazed!

Jessica Parnell
Hello everyone! I’m Jessica Parnell — mom, homeschool evaluator, teacher, and CEO of Bridgeway Academy. In my 20+ years of experience as a homeschool mom and evaluator, I have had the privilege of meeting homeschoolers that take a variety of approaches to their education. It is their many stories and successes that inspire me in my own homeschooling and I love to pass on the knowledge that I have gained from them to other homeschooling families. The one constant that always remains true is that there’s no such thing as a “cookie cutter child.” Each child is fearfully and wonderfully made and as a result, learns and functions differently. It’s our job to ensure that we’re raising each child to fulfill their individual purpose and when we can teach in a way that inspires them, we are on our way to homeschool success. When I’m not writing or teaching my children, I like to ski, write and participate in triathlons. I graduated from Kutztown University with a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Masters in English and I am currently pursuing a degree in Neuroleadership.
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