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Homeschooling Tips – The Best Way To Start The Homeschooling School Year

by Abby Parnell | Aug 31, 2015 | 3 min read

It’s towards the end of August and the homeschooling school year is just around the corner! There seems to be so much to do in order to prepare. So many books to review and lesson plans to make it may seem like you can’t finish anything. But, you may be really stressed about the best way to start the school year and all you must get done. Maybe you’re starting a new homeschool program or taking college courses. The start of the school year holds promise and expectations, but it can be a disaster if you don’t think through the best way to start the school year and what can work for you! Below are some homeschooling tips to help you start your homeschooling year off right.

Student-to-Student: Homeschooling Tips to Starting the Homeschool School Year off Right 

  1. Set Realistic Goals. What’s the best way to start the school year off right? Set realistic goals.  You don’t need to have every detail planned out, instead start by making an end goal. For example, if you are taking a semester long math course, set a date that you want to finish by and a grade that you want to finish with. Then throughout the semester you can be working towards that goal and making changes that will enable you to reach that goal. Have your parents help you with this so you know what’s expected of you and can manage all that’s on your plate.
  2. Organize Your Space and Time. The best way to start the school year off right is to organize. And I’m not just talking about your books. Notes, assignments, papers, curriculum, etc. all need to be organized well. Studies have shown that writing things down help you to remember different tasks that you need to complete. Not only that, but it is much easier to look back at your week and see if you accomplished all that you needed to.I like to have a planner. Computer and cell phone planners are great, but I like the old-fashioned spiral paper planner.
  3. Plan Your Day Everyday. Everyone is different; some people are morning people while others function better in the afternoon. The key is to plan your day out the day before so that you have an idea of when you need to get up and what you must get done. But be realistic.  If you like sleeping in don’t plan on getting up at 7 am. It will make you more tired and less motivated throughout the day. And plan breaks, during these breaks you should eat power foods or go for a walk. If you homeschool with family members or friends you can use this time to play games or make a meal. However, make sure that you are planning everything. If you have a set plan you are more likely to get things done than if you just “go with it.”
  4. Treat Your Body Well. We all know we need to eat well, get exercise, and get 8 hours of sleep. But do you know why? Your brain won’t work well if you’re not well hydrated, have adequate sleep, and get good nutrition. So, when you study without eating or sleeping well, you’re just wasting your time. Exercise helps to release stress and gives you more energy. One thing most students forget is  to hydrate. Water helps you focus, it keeps your skin clear, and it helps you motivate! Instead of drinking soda or excessive amounts of caffeine try to drink water. I promise you will see and feel results almost immediately and your grades will improve.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions and get help from a homeschool academy if you’re really worried. Bridgeway has advisors that are always more than willing to answer your questions. If you ever need anything don’t be afraid to call because chances are you will waste precious time trying to figure out the answer yourself when your advisor can easily tell you the right answer

Abby Parnell
Abby graduated from Bridgeway in 2014 and was one of the first students to participate in our dual enrollment program through DeSales University. She is currently studying to be a physician's assistant at Valparaiso University. Her hobbies include playing instruments, reading, and physical fitness.
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