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Is Homeschooling Right for your Gymnast or Elite Athlete?

by Jessica Parnell | Feb 16, 2016 | 3 min read

When you’re the parent of a champion athlete there’s one thing you’re often short on, time. And that’s why you may have never even considered homeschooling your elite athlete or gymnast, because who has time for that? But fitting in training, tournaments or meets, and school can seem impossible and often leaves your child with little to no free time. You and your child eat, sleep, and breathe sports and school. But, what if there is a better way; a way to get the training and practicing in without sacrificing schoolwork or family time? If you’re tired of watching your child work long into the night to finish work after school and a rigorous training schedule, or if you’re preparing to go for the gold, you need to find better balance for your child. Is homeschooling right for your gymnast or elite athlete? We think so, and here’s why.

  1. Homeschooling gives your athlete the flexibility they need to accomplish all of their goals. Let’s face it, raising an elite athlete gives whole meaning to the term challenge. From dawn until dusk it seems like you’re running from practice to school to games or meets all the while balancing your own work or home schedule and the needs of the rest of the family. Homeschooling allows your child to do work on the go because her school goes wherever she does! Imagine going a science lesson in the car between practices or finishing an essay while waiting for the gym to open. Homeschooling for elite gymnasts and athletes means freedom. Free from a brick and mortar school that sets their schedule, free from wasted hours in class, free from the expectations of a school that doesn’t understand their unique needs and talents. Homeschooling gives your champion the freedom and flexibility she needs to be a superstar academically and in the gym!
  2. Homeschooling saves you time! Homeschoolers spend less time on school work because they’re able to focus on what they need and not the needs of an entire classroom of students. When you homeschool your gymnast or elite athlete you’re able to focus intently on his needs and tailor his day. Less time at school means more time to practice or play. And because homeschooling will add hours to your day, homeschooling your elite gymnast or athlete will enable them to excel academically at their own pace. Who says your child can’t be a champion and a Rhodes Scholar?
  3. Homeschooling better prepares your champion for college. The stats are in: homeschoolers are more prepared for college because they’re more independent, self-disciplined, and often stronger academically. What does homeschooling say to a college admissions officer? It says your son was able to juggle an athletic schedule and excel academically. It says your daughter is able to meet and exceed high expectations. And homeschooling says your elite athlete is prepared to be an asset to their university. Worried about NCAA? Don’t be. Your child can homeschool and meet NCAA requirements. Find out more here.
  4. Homeschooling develops the independence and drive they’ll need to be the best. Part of being a champion means being mentally tough and single-minded. Homeschoolers are just that. Because homeschooling often requires students to maintain their own schedule, to be self-motivated, to complete lessons without a teacher reminding them daily, homeschoolers are often more independent and self-motivated, qualities that are essential for them to succeed in the future.
  5. Homeschooling gives you back control. Homeschooling for gymnasts and elite athletes means you get to control your child’s schedule, their curriculum, and their routine. Need to go to a meet out of the country? No problem, your student’s schoolwork goes with you and there’s no Principal counting absences or tardies! As a homeschooling parent you get to determine what courses are taken, what curriculum is used, and the when’s and how’s of your athlete’s school day. Too much pressure? Using a homeschool partner means you remain in control with an expert co-pilot to help you navigate the homeschooling waters.

If you’re wondering whether or not homeschooling is right for your gymnast or elite athlete stop asking questions and start getting answers. Call today for more information about how homeschooling for gymnasts and elite athletes can enable them to reach their dreams athletically and academically. 800-863-1474.

Jessica Parnell
Hello everyone! I’m Jessica Parnell — mom, homeschool evaluator, teacher, and CEO of Bridgeway Academy. In my 20+ years of experience as a homeschool mom and evaluator, I have had the privilege of meeting homeschoolers that take a variety of approaches to their education. It is their many stories and successes that inspire me in my own homeschooling and I love to pass on the knowledge that I have gained from them to other homeschooling families. The one constant that always remains true is that there’s no such thing as a “cookie cutter child.” Each child is fearfully and wonderfully made and as a result, learns and functions differently. It’s our job to ensure that we’re raising each child to fulfill their individual purpose and when we can teach in a way that inspires them, we are on our way to homeschool success. When I’m not writing or teaching my children, I like to ski, write and participate in triathlons. I graduated from Kutztown University with a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Masters in English and I am currently pursuing a degree in Neuroleadership.
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